Daigo Umehara's Event Schedule 2015

- Canada Cup's Master Series [January 9-11]
- 5th Niconico Shotenkaigi [January 18]
- Yonpahi radio show [January 23]
- 6th Niconico Shotenkaigi [January 25]
- Taipei Game Show [Jan 31]
- Tokaigi 2015 [Feb 1]

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

KSK's new look

KSK paid the prices for losing to his boss by shaving his head, eyebrows, and beard on his stream this evening.

- Fans sent him electric hair clipper, eyebrows pen, and wig.
- Mariwo (BlazBlue player) helped him.
- He showed Mariwo that he really shaved pubic hair!
- The Boss signed his forehead.

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